Meeting with Dr. Yang Hui
An official meeting was held with Dr. Yang Hui, Director, Confucius Institute at the University of Dhaka, today at her office regarding to start Chainess Language at Manarat International University. Many faculty members of Chinese Language were present there.
Seminar on “Psychological Process of Religious Faith”
A seminar was held on “Psychological Process of Religious Faith” at MIU on January 25, 2020. The program was organized by the Center of General Education (CGED) of MIU. Prof. Emeritus Yang Lee, Yale University, USA and a citizen of South Kore was present as the keynote speaker and the Vice-Chancellor of MIU was present as the Chief Guest of the program. Honorable Treasurer Mr. Hafizul Islam Mia, Dean, School of Business and Economics, Professor M.Harun-Ar- Rashid also were present in the program. The Seminar was presided over by Mr. Mohammad Abul Kalam Azad, Coordinator, CGED and moderated by Dr.…
Siratunnabi Seminar on Morality and Development in Bangladesh: Mohammad (Sm.) a Model.
The Center of General Education of Manarat International University organized a seminar on “Morality and Development in Bangladesh: Prophet Mohammad (Sm.) as a model”[বাংলাদেশে নৈতিকতা ও উন্নয়ন: আদর্শ হিসেবে নবী মুহাম্মাদ (স:) at 11.00 am. on November 20 (Wednesday) 2019. Honorable Vice-Chancellor of MIU, Mr. Hafizul Islam Mian was present as the Chief Guest of the Program. Professor, Dr. Choudhury Mahmood Hasan (former, VC, MIU), was present as the chief discussant in the program. The paper was presented by myself, Mohammad Abul Kalam Azad, Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Center of General Education. The Program was conducted by Dr. Muhammad Obaidullah…
Building Skills to Get Smart
A seminar on “Building Skills to Get Smart” was held on Saturday, July 13, 2019 at MIU Cordova Seminar Room. It was a part of “Youth Symposium: Unity for Peace and Harmony”. Program was hosted by Manarat International University and sponsored by UIU, SAMPREETI, IDSS, CFYD, MJF. Mr. Hafizul Islam Mia, Vice Chancellor of MIU was chief guest in the program. The Keynote speaker Syed Niaz, CEO of CFYD emphasis Trust building, take responsibilities, stop complaining, think positively, chose right person, be patient and leave Eggo to be a smart. The program was presided over by Mohammad Abul Kalam Azad,…