The Center of General Education of Manarat International University organized a seminar on “Morality and Development in Bangladesh: Prophet Mohammad (Sm.) as a model”[বাংলাদেশে নৈতিকতা ও উন্নয়ন: আদর্শ হিসেবে নবী মুহাম্মাদ (স:) at 11.00 am. on November 20 (Wednesday) 2019. Honorable Vice-Chancellor of MIU, Mr. Hafizul Islam Mian was present as the Chief Guest of the Program. Professor, Dr. Choudhury Mahmood Hasan (former, VC, MIU), was present as the chief discussant in the program. The paper was presented by myself, Mohammad Abul Kalam Azad, Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Center of General Education. The Program was conducted by Dr. Muhammad Obaidullah Assistant Professor of CGED and presided over by Dr. Abdussamad, Professor, CGED, After the program certificate was distributed among the winners of Quiz Competition and participants. Several faculty members, officials were present in the program.